in accordance with section 5 TMG
MÜLLER-Construction GmbH
Neue Dorfstr. 13a
15345 Reichenow - Möglin / Germany
represented by:
Matthias Müller
Phone : +49 (0)33437. 27786
Fax: +49 (0)33437. 27787
register entry:
Entry in Handelsregister
Register Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt / Oder
Register Number: HRB 15418 FF
DE 168992224
responsible for content (55 Abs. 2 RStV)
Matthias Müller
Although all care has been taken in assessing external links listed
on this site, no responsibility is assumed for their content. Responsibility
for the content of external links lies solely with the provider of
the content.
Privacy policy
The lawfully correct protection of your data is our highest priority which is why we always obey and pursue the data policy rules. Personal data is only collected and recorded on this
website to the extent that is technically necessary and only and which is used in an anonymous matter for statistical usage only. A disclosure to third parties does not occur.
With every user’s page visit of a particular site within the website, data is being collected and saved in a server log file. The kind of data which is being collected includes: name of the accessed file, date and time of the data call, transmitted amount of data, notice about a successful call, web browser and requested domain and the IP address of the requesting computer.
All this data is only being collected from the provider of the website for statistical usage only. An individual-related analysis is not being made at no time. A usage of the product range and of every service on the website is possible at all times without revealing personal information’s.
If an e-mail is being send to us, it will only be used for the purpose of a correspondence with you. A disclosure to third parties does not occur.
We inform you, that data transfer within the internet and while communicating through e-mail may involve gaps in security. A gapless data protection from access of third parties is not possible. The use of the published contact data, as part of the obligation to provide a masthead, by third parties for not requested forwarding advertisements or information’s towards visitors of the website is prohibited. Müller Construction GmbH reserves all rights in the case of forwarding not requested advertisement information’s, for instance in the form of spam mail.
Source references for used pictures and graphics:
Matthias Müller, Müller Construction GmbH
All used content, designs and scrips are protected by copyright and are not to be used, disseminated or amended in any other kind of contexts without permission.